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Regular physical activity is one of the best things that you can do for your health.
Unfortunately, more than 80% of adults and young people don’t get enough of it.
You do not need to spend hours at a gym or purchase expensive equipment to meet the physical activity guidelines. Just pick physical activities that you enjoy and do them regularly!
If you have Medicare or a Medicare Advantage Plan, you do not need a referral to be seen! All other insurances we must have a referral.
What We Treat:
Neurological Rehab
Low Back Pain
Women's Health
Sports Injuries
Occupational Therapy Consults
Dry Needling
Skilled intervention that uses a thin filiform needle to penetrate the skin and stimulate underlying myofascial trigger points, muscular, and connective tissues for the management of neuromusculoskeletal pain and movement impairments.
Manual Therapy
Manual therapy is a hands-on treatment by clinicians to treat muscle aches, joint pain, and limited range of motion.
Therapeutic Exercises
Movement of the body to facilitate recovery from limitations often associated with nerve, muscle, and/or joint problems.
Gait Training
A physical therapy exercise program to improve your gait and ability to walk safely by targeting your legs, and core to help promote balance.
Neuro Reeducation
When nerves or muscles experience damage or injury resulting from trauma and various medical and neurological conditions, muscle movement patterns can be negatively affected. Neuromuscular re-education is one method used by physical therapists to facilitate the return of normal movement in patients with neuromuscular impairments.
Strength Training
Depending on your condition and goals, the physical therapist may recommend exercises that focus on specific muscles or joints. For example, if you have a knee injury, your therapist may recommend exercises that strengthen the hips, quadriceps, and lower extremity muscles. This prevents injury and allow your muscles to adapt to the exercise. Strength Training is used to improve muscle adaptations of strength, endurance and power.
Balance Training
Balance training involves doing exercises that strengthen the muscles that help keep you upright, including your legs and core. These kinds of exercises can improve stability and help prevent falls. Doing balance exercises can be intense, like some very challenging yoga poses.
If pain or a condition is holding you back, speak with us about scheduling a consultation!•Physical therapists are movement experts who improve the quality of life through hands-on care, patient education, and prescribed movement.
Our physical therapists can help you get moving to reduce your chronic disease risk, enhance your fitness, and prevent injuries.
It’s never too late to get moving!
Choose more movement. Choose better health. Choose physical therapy!​
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